Self-postural techniques are exercises that you can use on your own, useful for musculoskeletal health and psycho-physical well-being (digestive problems, states of anxiety, insomnia, irritability, stress, etc.). They can also support your journey with me and become the right tools to maintain the results obtained and continue to improve.


  • I will teach you the exercises useful for your condition within the individual sessions of the Mézières Method
  • If you prefer, you can request a course for a specific body part (4/5 meetings, including mandatory preparatory training)
  • We can reach 10 meetings if you want a complete path, dedicated to the entire body.
  • You can invite other people with you

Exercises that use tools such as balls, chopsticks and sticks, ropes, or your own hands. Part of the method:


  • self-massage and stretching
  • muscle toning and strengthening
  • breathing exercises
  • perceptive and coordination exercises


  • Spinal column as a whole (skull, cervical lordosis, kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, pelvis)
  • Temporomandibular joint and oculomotor muscles
  • Shoulder and arm: joints of the scapula and humerus, elbow and wrist
  • Hip and knee: coxofemoral joint and tibial femur
  • Ankle and foot: ankle joint and plantar arches

Exercises that use tools such as balls, chopsticks and sticks, ropes, or your own hands. Part of the method:


  • self-massage and stretching
  • muscle toning and strengthening
  • breathing exercises
  • perceptive and coordination exercises


  • Spinal column as a whole (skull, cervical lordosis, kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, pelvis)
  • Temporomandibular joint and oculomotor muscles
  • Shoulder and arm: joints of the scapula and humerus, elbow and wrist
  • Hip and knee: coxofemoral joint and tibial femur
  • Ankle and foot: ankle joint and plantar arches